Wednesday, August 24, 2011

1 cyberbully 2017

This is my first blog post of the 2011-2012 school year.

1.This is a cyberbully?
 A cyberbully is a person that is spending there time sending messages to other people.
2.What are the different types of cyberbully?
 The different type is the sending messages from the Internet or cell phone,or making them feel bad of them self.
3.what should you do if your being cyberbulling?
 I will do is to tell a teacher or a parent that i am bully.
4.What are some reason that people cyberbully other?
 Some reason is that bully want to make other people unsafe or scare so they could have fun.
5.What is Taylor's attitude toward "clickers" in the begging of the story?
 The attitude that she has is that clickers is a fun place to talk to people.
6.what type of relationship does she have with her family?
 The relationship with er family is a bad with her brother,mom,and with her Father is a very good relationship.
7.What type of friendship does she have?
 The friendship that she has is a bad friendship with her friends.
8.When does the cyderbuly begin?
 The cyberbully begins when Taylor posted a picture and a girl name Lindsey commented a bad thing about her.
9.what is the result of cyberbully that Taylor experience?
 The results of cyberbully is that they are making her feel bad of her self.
10.What type of cyberbully does Taylor experience?
 The cyberbully that she gets is from the computer or cell phone.
11.What would you do if you were in Taylor?
  What I will do is to tell an adult or a teacher and i will close the account.
12.How does Taylor react to the mean comments people keep posting about her?
  She reacted to the comments that she got is that she got scare and wanted to kill her self.
13.Does she ever try to stop from posting insults?What could she have done different?
 No she didn't tell nobody and she could close the account
14.How do you think Taylor felt about her friends betraying her?
 She felt that she did no think that her friend will betrayed her.
15.What kind of changes do you see Taylor experience though out the film?
 The change of Taylor is that she change to a good person.


Digital Ed said...

This font is really hard to read!

Digital Ed said...

Wasn't TAylor always a good person? How did the cyberbullying and suicide attempt change Taylor?