The movie that we watch is called "The Wizard".This child called Jimmy and he wanted to go to California so he could go to see his tween sister that have died in a lake.When he was found he went a forster house and his brother tell him that they going to california.Jimmy brother name his cory and they went to get the tickets but they did not got enough of money.Then Jimmy started to play a game and he got the highest score in the life.Later they find an gril that will help them called hialy and they are going to play for the chanpionchip and for $50,000.
They started to det money so they could got to Los Angel.They went to a store to play with some big guys and they play for money.The kids win the money and the others try to take the money dack but they were lukey that the lady of the store was there and the other guy got kit out of the store.Later the kids went to a plce that they could be save and they sleep there.The next day the guys from the store and found them and tock the money away from them and left them with no money.When they did the bet to another person,he lost and lose money.
When they were close to Los Angeles they found the compesition and they sing up to play. when they play thaey was just the chidren playing and the adiance was chiring for the players.Later they said the three champions and Jimmy was missing but luky he was ready beging the new game.When they started to platy they all was in a tie,so later jimmy lost two life and got back in the tie.Then he was at the finish and they said to get the star so he could win and he did.They won and got the $50,000 and went home.
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